The dog blocked my progress last night

I missed my target word count for the first time yesterday.

I have a full-time job, so all writing is done in the evenings after dinner, or on weekends.

But last night I had to take the dog to an urgent care appointment instead, because she was definitely one unhappy dog. She showed all the symptoms of having her second UTI, and needed relief.

Unfortunately, she was wildly uncooperative with the vet/vet techs. Even with a muzzle on, she was not manageable enough to get any kind of samples, so we ended up having to assume that there’s an infection so we could start antibiotics, and then she has to go back in a few weeks (after the antibiotics wear off) to make sure there’s not something worse going on.

When she goes back, she will have to be heavily sedated, so I was given some doggie downers that I’m to give her two hours in advance. I hope this works – last time I had to sedate a dog, he became so lethargic, I couldn’t convince him to get in the car, and he was too heavy for me to carry. My current dog is even heavier (too heavy, according to the vet, so now she also has to diet) so if she doesn’t want to get in the car, we’re not going anywhere in the car. Full stop.

Anyway, that was a long, boring way to confess, I only wrote about 100 words yesterday. I usually aim for 2000, so. . . big miss. But the dog has only had 2 doses of antibiotics and already seems in better shape than yesterday, so it was worth it.



