Technically, I had started book four a while back, but the truth is I broke all my good writing habits over the holidays, so it’s been a bit like starting over to try and get into the rhythm again. I could blame work, which has been busier than it used to be (and more interesting, which might be even more significant to my writing habits) but it’s really just a lack of self-discipline.
The other thing is that the first three books were always meant to be a series, and although my writing style is exploratory, I did have some idea where I was going with books two and three before I’d finished the first one.
Now I’m starting with nothing again, and I find myself a little distractible. I have three books in my head right now – the one I’ve started, a fourth book in the Greenlee world (family and friends if Rachel gets her own book, which she might – I like her) and something that my daughter and I talk about in the car, more of a young adult thing.
They’re all rattling around in there, so it’s harder to stay on task. Which is just another excuse of course. 😀
OK, I’ll try to get back into good habits. I think using the blog as a warm-up helps me get started, because I don’t have to work very hard at it. This blog post has taken me less than ten minutes to write, but it has my brain in a writing-mode.
So I’d best get to it!
p.s. Hi, Mom! (my only regular blog reader)