I started this blog just a few days after I started my book.
I did it because I read several articles about self publishing and they all said, be sure you have a website and way to capture an email list (I’ll add that mailing list item later.) I figured, having an established blog with things on it would be better than no content…
But the other things is, some articles were very encouraging – they’d say things like, by reaching out to people who liked your first book, you can potentially double your sales on your second book! If you were making $250/month, you could potentially be making $500/month!
Other articles were more like – most authors can’t even make $500/month by self publishing, but maybe, just maybe you could if you capture some buyers a second time.
Here’s what I found confusing. I have a full-time job – and $500/month for doing something that’s fun. . . is amazing? What the heck are these people’s day jobs that they don’t need or want another $500/month? How is $500 not real money?
OK, yes, there’s tax. Let’s say that takes half of it (and don’t take tax advice from me, I haven’t researched this part at all.) That’s still $250. If someone hands me $250 for something I did in the past, doesn’t need a thing from future me…
I will write a very happy blog entry on that day, people. Add this blog to your RSS feed, and you will know if I ever make $500 in pre-tax sales.
Edited to add: 13104 words as of today. I can’t decide if I want to blog my word count or not, but I can always edit this out. The house is a mess, and the dog smells, but my words per day are OK…