Category: Uncategorized

  • Things I want to remember people said

    OK, I failed to hit my word count today, due to having to work late on my paying job, plus running on too little sleep. But here are two things I want to remind people of later, and I am going to tell them – I even put it on my blog before I finished…

  • There aren’t enough hours to write!

    I imagine most first novels are written by people who are holding down full-time jobs (and second novels, and third novels.) And I know that I am lucky to have a job that doesn’t exhaust me – I’ve had times in my career where I was incapable of using the evening hours for anything other…

  • 40000 words

    Today I hit 40,000 words, which I think of as a bit of milestone, so I’m pleased. But I’m also writing my book start-to-finish. I don’t skip around between scenes, I just started on page one and wrote until this point. I’ve only done some minimal refactoring, like when I realized I was spending too…

  • The dog blocked my progress last night

    I missed my target word count for the first time yesterday. I have a full-time job, so all writing is done in the evenings after dinner, or on weekends. But last night I had to take the dog to an urgent care appointment instead, because she was definitely one unhappy dog. She showed all the…

  • Character Names

    As I’ve been writing this book, names for characters have mostly popped into my head – I only named the main characters before I started in on things. I am now 28,022 words into the book, so the characters have some details around them, and in my head their names are their names. But I…

  • Headache…

    I’m having a hard time writing tonight, for the first time. I have a headache, born of poor sleep (the dog is not feeling well, and needs to be let out when I need to be sleeping) and too much time on a laptop today. My day job requires a lot of time on a…

  • Romance Novels and Ego

    So I’m writing a romance novel. There’s really no question, this is not going to be the next Great American Novel, nor is it going to revolutionize the industry and make a zillion dollars. It’s just a light-hearted romance, between two characters that I’m writing to keep my own attention while I’m spending all this…

  • Self Publishing and Money

    I started this blog just a few days after I started my book. I did it because I read several articles about self publishing and they all said, be sure you have a website and way to capture an email list (I’ll add that mailing list item later.) I figured, having an established blog with…

  • All I have to say about today

    So the company I work for recently had us “return to the workplace” now that the global pandemic is trending towards becoming endemic and vaccines are readily available here. And today something inevitable happened. I came home to find a piece of green spinach in my front teeth. Must have been there since lunch. Terrific.

  • Hello World!

    As of right now, I’ve written the first 7863 words of my first book. Probably there are 200 good ones so far.