Christmas Trees

I’ve mentioned before that the blog timestamp and my actual time do not match, but they are within about a day of each other. So I’m writing this on July 29th.

Today we put up two Christmas trees, in honor of an upcoming release of Amazon’s Rings of Power. We’re watching the Hobbit movies (it hasn’t been very long since we last watched LOTR.) One of the trees is covered in dwarves (technically, these might be gnomes, since gnomes are more readily available as Christmas ornaments.) It has an inflatable dragon on top, as the dwarves are climbing to get to the dragon’s treasure. The other tree has all dragons on it, because we went to an amazing estate sale a few months ago where we were able to get a tremendous collection of dragon ornaments.

This is a highly recommended way to spend a day where the temperature hovered around 100 degrees Fahrenheit (assuming you have air conditioning, which I am grateful to say, I do.)



