I started this blog about the same time as I started the first book, and it’s title as of the time I’m writing this is still “Pretentious Self Published Author Blog” with a subtitle “please don’t read my blog yet.”
As you might imagine, this means that I am not really trying to get visitors, and I haven’t directed my friends and family here to see what’s up.
Still, at least once a week, someone will post a comment to my site, and 100% of the time, it is a link to porn. (Well, guessing by the text/the link address – I have not followed any of the links, I promise.) Presumably this is all being done by bots that simply find every possible place one can enter the canned text of the comment. So there are still no humans reading my blog, just bots. Porn bots.
If I wrote science fiction, I think I’d have a porn bot develop a personality.
34,500 words into book two. That’s a few days behind schedule, but I think I can catch up.