We are back from the beach, where I started book three, but didn’t make too much progress. It was very hard to work without sleep, and it was very hard to sleep there.
I also had some things I needed to do today, so there wasn’t a ton of time. But I did get the first two chapters done, which means both main characters have to come to life. I’ve mentioned before that I don’t do complete outlines of the books, I tend to just see where the characters take me, so it’s a big milestone for me when both of main characters feel engaged.
Of course, the male character in this book was a significant side character in book two, so a lot of his personality was already set. This is the first book that opens with the male character instead of the female character, so in some ways it was stepping into something familiar, since he has been introduced before.
I do wonder if I’ll miss the characters at the end of this book – the series was always intended to be three books, so this is the last time I’ll be working with them unless I just can’t let go.
Anyway, I’m only at 3369 words – but since starting with a blank piece of paper is probably the most daunting part of the whole process, I’m still feeling OK about progress. I’m off work for the next few days, and probably have a half day’s worth of activity planned for each, so hopefully I can write and write!